Ramadan 3 tahun yang lalu, tahun akhir buatnya...Dua tahun berada di negara tumpah tanah darah ibunya menyambung pengajian di bumi California.. dalam suasana sekeliling yang jauh berbeza dengan suasana puasa di tanah airnya (Malaysia) sendiri.. Di sana penuh dengan cabaran namun dilaluinya Ramadan itu dengan tabah dan sabar..
Rakan serumah yang bukan seagama namun memahami dan menghormati rakan baiknya menjalani ibadah sebagai seorang mukmin yang sejati.. menjadi contoh terbaik buat rakannya. Rakan baik yang ibarat seperti adik beradik.. Budi pekerti dan kesantunannya amat menyejuk hati sesiapa yang memandangnya.. walaupun dari raut wajahnya tiada langsung wajah kemelayuannya.. Budi bahasanya amat tinggi sekali dan memelihara budaya timur sebagai seorang Islam walaupun di kelilingi dengan suasana kehidupan yang serba bebas. Kesunyian kehidupan sebagai anak tunggal dalam keluarga kahwin campur Amerika/melayu membawa pengertian buat dirinya menganggap keluarga kami sebagai keluarga angkatnya.. untuk memecah kesunyian dirinya sebagai anak tunggal.. beliau sungguh gembira bila berpeluang mengenali adik-adik baru dalam kehidupannya..
Kesepiannya terubat dengan kehadiran kami dalam hidupnya walaupun sebentar cuma... kau yang kami sayang..kau yang kami rindu... Walaupun jarak waktu yang telah lama kau tinggalkan namun ianya seperti baru sedetik berlalu pergi.. setiap kata rindu yang kau sampaikan dan kasih sayang yang diluahkan.. setiap bait perkataanmu menjadi memori yang sentiasa tersemat dihati kami.. Do'a sentiasa mengiringimu duhai "anakku".. Anak yang baik.. anak yang cerdik.. Penghibur ayahbondamu yang membesarkannya dengan penuh limpahan kasih sayang yang tidak berbelah bahagi..
Senyummu masih terbayang di gambaran foto terakhirmu... lagu-lagu kirimanmu menjadi penghiburku.. setiap iringan do'amu penyejuk hatiku.. Semoga Rohmu sentiasa dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah SWT dan diterima segala amalan baikmu serta di himpunkan di kalangan para solehin. AL_FATIHAH.. Amiin.
Berikut adalah sebahagian notanya di bulan Ramadan 3 tahun yang lalu yang masih tersemat dalam ingatan kami... sebelum berlaku tragedi yang tak disangka dalam penghakhiran kehidupannya di usia yang terlalu muda.. memori seterusnya akan ku nukilkan bila tiba masanya nanti..
Merah adalah warna kegemarannya.
Sep 15, 2007, 6:56 pm
O how I miss Malaysia, especially at this time of year. Why? It's because of Ramadan. Here in California, you can't feel the sense of this holy month unless you're at the mosque or the Islamic Center. So, it's hard to be a Muslim in the States. People around you will brand you as weird or radical coz you take up your faith seriously. But unlike Jake and a few others, they'd understand and respect you for it O Ramadan, how I long for you Help me to face the trial of life here Peacefully and calmly O Ramadan, blessed month God's mercy is without end....... |
Sep 15, 2007, 7:26 pm
Hi! This is a picture of me taken by Jake yesterday. It's the coolest time of the day that is the breaking of fast. It's a strange thing, that is Ramadan....It teaches us to reflect on ourselves and others. The thirst and hunger of others are felt. My prayer that night: "O God, my Lord! May you fulfill the needs of others such as You have given me....Amen." Here's to you Ummi Nora. I'm always thinking of you and your family. O how nice it is to be in Malaysia surrounded by your loved ones..
Sep 22, 2007, 5:09 pm
I know it's Ramadan and I can't have a drink, so I followed Jake to the pool to "cool off" at the campus pool even though it's freezing outside. Well, thank for the super heater of the pool, I didn't catch a cold. I think swimming is good for your body , mind and soul. A little swimming won't hurt, for me that is. Wish you guys were here. 10.1.07 (Oct. 1, 2007) Hi ummi.. Well, to tell you the truth.... I am a little bit "manja". I am also a sensitive guy especially relating to emotion. My mom and dad are seldom around these days and I feel so "alone". That's why I thank God I found you. You , are_in and the rest of your family are my family here. Say hi to all my "sisters' and 9 year old brother. >>HUGS<< Have a nice day ahead. Your "son", ~Nick Danie~l 10.7.07 (Oct. 7, 2007) Salam ummi nora, It's been a while since I read your message. Seems you've been busy for celebrating this coming Eid. Done a lot of baking lately? I do really miss it... I mean the ambiance and the feeling of celebrating Eid in Malaysia. About my parents, they'r arrive here last Friday. I really do missed them. But for now, they'd to stay in a nereby hotel and are attending to some business of theirs. I'll be seeing them tomorrow for arrangements to Switzerland. To my lil' sis and bro, good luck in your exam. Do study hard and smart. Concentrate okay! Then you'l be able to achieve more and someday, you'll be here in California following my footsteps. To ummi and family, I would like to wish you a Happy Eid and Maaf zahir batin in advance. Your loving son, ~Nick Daniel~ 10.10.07 (Oct.10, 2007) To my dearest Ummi, Don't worry ummi, I'll never forget you. Wherever I may be but my hearts will always be thinking of you. Have a nice Raya Celebration and a nice trip back home. And I would like to say Maaf Zahir Batin for everything I do or done which made you feel uneasy or disrespect you in anyway. Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings towards you and your family. You're the best thing that happens to me. Remembering you always, Your loving son, ~Nick Daniel~ |
Sep 14, 2007, 8:04 pm
East is East
And West is West
Often people say
But there will come a day
When differences will melt away
With Love & Care
Will help to bridege the gap
Love & Care
Will rub the line right off the map
Some say we haven't got a chance
But we'll get through it
With Love & Care
Love & Care
Will help us joint hand
In a language each understand
Some say there's no movin'
But I see approvin'
With Love & care
Melodi Lagu dan lirik yang membuatkan airmatanya menitis.. He ~ "I can't help it but the song brings tears to my eyes. That's what I felt all this while." dan membuatkan ku menjadi sayu hati bila terdengar lagu ini setiap kali ia berkumandang "Bila Terasa Rindu". Kenangan syahdu!!!
Allah lebih menyayangimu "anakku".
1 comment:
Alfatihah buat Nick Daniel. Sekejap dah 3 tahun kan?
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