Okt 1, 2007 8.56 PM
Hello Ummi,
Thanks for your well wishes and prayer. I really do hope my parents will arrive sooner than I expected coz I really miss them so much. About celebrating Eid in Switz, well... I really do hope I won't have to be there coz there's no feel of Eid Fitr in that country. Besides, it'll be freezing there.
Oct 9, 2007, 9:21 am
It's been a while since I log in into my journal. We'll the latest news is that my parents arrived from Malaysia and met me here. Me and my parents will be flying off to Switzerland on the 11th of Oct for Raya. So to all my friends out there, I'm gonna miss you especially to my big brother Fir, Ummi Nora & family, my bestfriend Jake. We'll keep in touch very soon. To all my Muslim friends, I would like to wish you all a SELAMAT HARI RAYA & MAAF ZAHIR BATIN for everything. Catch you later. |
Hari raya tahun 2007 kami sekeluarga beraya di Pontian, Johor dan Muar iaitu di rumah saudara mara sebelah suami selama 2 hari.. Cuaca adakala panas dan adakala hujan. Pada 15/10/2007 (HARI RAYA KE 3) selepas waktu hujan, cuaca berkabus dan agak dingin... walaupun jam masih pukul 4.00 petang.. Ku merasakan hari tersebut amat berbeza dari hari-hari kebiasaannya.. tak tau mengapa.. Waktu itu teringat sesuatu... satu rasa yang amat pelik..
Sekembali berhari raya dari Johor pada 16/10/2007 bila ku melayari internet dan buka e-mail terdapat beberapa mesej dari Nick Daniel bertarikh 15/10/2007 menunjukkan mesej di hantar di waktu pagi..., sudah tentu perasaanku sungguh ceria bila menerima berita dari beliau setelah beberapa hari tidak online kerana beraya bersama keluarga di Johor dan beralih ke profile Tagged Nick Daniel, terdapat timeline di profilenya, ku tertanya-tanya apa yang dah berlaku dan ku terbaca 'Obituary' dari Jake Austin di journal Allahyarham Nick,bila ku menerima berita sedih yang disampaikan Jake ini sudah tentu ia amat mengejutkan dan bagai tak percaya bahawa Danny (panggilan manja) yang di kasihi telah kembali ke Rahmatullah. Ya la siapa sangka beliau yang berada dalam keadaan sehat walafiat dan terlalu happy sebab dapat bersama kedua ibubapanya.. Dalam kegembiraannya beliau di timpa kemalangan yang tidak di duga.. Apa pun redha atas kehendak NYA. ALLAH LOVES HIM MORE.... Anak yang baik hati dan perasaannya sentiasa di kasihi..
Airmataku tak putus mengalir selepas menerima berita yang amat menyayat hati ini.. Setiapkali mengenangkannya pasti airmata akan menitis ... namun ku titipkan do'a sentiasa mengiringinya.. Takdir Allah lebih berkuasa atas segalanya.. Kita sebagai makhluk tiada hak menafikan ketentuanNya.. Dengan kesayuan dan kesyahduan kami terima dengan Redha atas pemergiannya.. Apatah lagi kedua ibubapanya kehilangan anak tunggal satu-satunya yang paling di kasihi... Hidup berjauhan selama dua tahun dan percutian bersama kedua ibubapanya di Switzerland merupakan saat akhir beliau dapat bermesra bersama..
Obituary Oct 15, 2007, 7:12 pm
Inna lillahi wa inna illai hi rojiun. "AL-FATIHAH" for my 'belated son' Nick Daniel Ekhwan. MAY ALLAH BLESS HIS SOUL TO REST IN PEACE AND GRANT HIS PLACE IN HEAVENS. Ameen.
Nick Daniel Ekhwan who was born in Malaysia on January 20, 1987 and passed away on October 15, 2007 at the age of 20 in Switzerland. We will remember him forever.
His parents Ekhwan and Sarah, love and miss him so much and know nothing will be the same without him because he was their only child. He brought light and laughter to everyone who had the luck to meet him. Nick Daniel was everyone's "Love Child".
Nick Daniel had so much to live for and so much more to give to this world. He was taken from us suddenly in a tragic accident involving an avalanche in the Swiss Alps of Switzerland. We will remember him always, and we will carry him with us in our hearts forever.
He had an amazing personality and had such a wide variety of interests and talents. . We all feel his loss deeply, forever and always. ~JAKE AUSTIN~
Journal yang di catat pada Sept 27, 2007 adalah tanda-tanda beliau akan pergi buat selamanya tanpa kami duga.. Kami tertanya-tanya apakah petanda ini yang sebenarnya pada mulanya... Mimpi ini berlaku pada bulan Ramadhan 3 malam berturut.. Hanya Allah SWT yang lebih Maha Mengetahui..
Sep 27, 2007, 10:18 pm
Last night, I had a dream. The most weirdest dream I've ever dreamt coz I had the same dream for 3 days in a row. In that dream, I was falling and I was calling to my family and friends for help but no one came. They just ignore me as if I'm invisible or something. Then I saw a light.... and then coldness swept over me as if I'm in a freezer. Then, I woke up.
Puzzling isn't it? Whatever it was, it sure give me the creeps to think about it. What do you think? Is it a sign? If it is, then what's it about? I'm sure glad that's over.....I hope!
Foto terakhir Allahyarham di St. Moritz, Switzerland.
Sebelum beliau bermain "Snowboarding" dan di timpa kemalangan di hari tersebut (15/10/2007) beliau sempat online dan mengirimkan ku lagu nasyid ini... "UMMI - nyanyian HADDAD ALWI dan SULIS.
Menitis airmataku setiap kali mendengar lagu ini... SEMOGA KAU DAMAI DI SANA "ANAKKU".. Kasihsayang AYAHBONDA kandungmu lebih dari segala-galanya.
Dedicated to my Ummi. Enjoy!
Your loving son,
~Nick Daniel~
Sedih betul baca entri ni. Supaya Aruah ditempatkan bersama para tabiin. Amin
Amiin.. terima kasih Che Mid.
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